Sunday, April 15, 2007

Child Prostitution

The knowledge of the insanely large numbers of children being forced to enter the sex industry is truly heart wrenching. The pain does not stop there, for these numbers are currently growing even now. Statistics that show the number of children forced into this sick trade just keep rising yearly. Even more shocking is the news that such a horrible practice is not limited to the third world countries, child prostitution is rampant in several affluent countries as well.

I think it is such an irony that the world has developed so much and how much we have worked for the equality of man. The sweat and blood spilt over the establishment and recognition of the human rights. Yet, the reason and the main driving force to the child sex industry is the increasing and very large demand for it. The demand for child prostitution is so great that it is estimated to be an industry churning out 10 billion U.S dollars each year. It sort of goes to show how much really there is a respect for human rights. In third world countries where the majority of child prostitutes are found, It is usually already illegal for such a practice. However, the law is not strongly enforced in such places. Why is this so ? Simply because the law enforcers are lowly paid, hence are more than willing to take in bribes from child prostitution centers to allow to carry on operating.

Another reason why child prostitution is so rampant is because of poverty. In many cases especially those in the third world and developing countries money is hard to come by. In Asia this problem is bolstered largely by the sudden economic boom and subsequent bust, which has created a increasing gap between the rich and the poor, countryside and city. As a result, the poor in an attempt to survive , start to view their children as a resource and sell them off. These children who are sold largely end up at brothels. Most parents are tricked to sell off their children thinking that they will be sent overseas to work as odd job workers or as servants. However, there are those who knowingly sell their children off to work at brothels. i find this very saddening, these in most cases girls have their trust betrayed by those whom they believe in the most.

The fight to combat child prostitution must begin with closing the gap between the rich and poor as well as educating the public to reduce the demand of child prostitutes. Laws must be strictly enforced. Everyone must do their part to protect these children, for the children are our future.

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